About the book of nahum

It can be assume that the book was written before 612 bc because that is when nineveh was destroyed and since nahum is predicting the destruction of nineveh that would be a safe assumption. The theme of the prophecy is the fate and destruction of nineveh, the onetime capital city of the. Massa comes from the verb to lift up nasa, and so it can mean to carry or to lift up the voice. Transcribed and edited by david sielaff, august 20. It has been called the most poetical of all the prophetic writings, and certainly is the most severe in tone of any of the minor prophets. This is apropos because his message of the coming judgment on nineveh comforted judah after their suffering at assyrias hand.

Nineveh was conquered by the babylonians, medes, and scythians in 612 b. Oct 23, 2012 this is the holy book of nahum, known simply as nahum. Shortly before the fall of nineveh, the capital of assyria, in 612 b. A new translation with introduction and commentary. Very candidly, i must say that the little book of nahum is not the greatest in the bible, but it is a great book, and it is in the word of god for a very definite purpose. His book comes in chronological order between micah and habakkuk in the bible.

Nothing is known about him except his hometown elkosh, and even its general location is. The holy bible book 34 nahum kjv dramatized audio youtube. This summary of the book of nahum provides information about the title, author s, date of writing, chronology, theme, theology, outline, a brief overview, and the chapters of the book of nahum. Thus, the purpose of the book of nahum is to pronounce certain and irrevocable judgment upon ninevah, the capital of that wicked and ruthless. The book of nahum is prophecy concerning the city of nineveh and reveals a powerful message about gods care for his elect.

The author of the book of nahum identifies himself as nahum in the hebrew consoler or comforter the elkoshite 1. Book of nahum, the seventh of 12 old testament books that bear the names of the minor prophets grouped together as the twelve in the jewish canon. In describing this doom, nahum writes lyric poetry of the highest quality. This study also includes a teaching outline at the end. Authorship the author of this remarkably literary book is probably nahum. Below are scriptures in nahum that refer to endtime events. Yet the bible is a book of hope for the future when the prince of peace will secure lasting peace among all peoples and nations isaiah 9. Use highlighting, underlining, and take notes while you study the bible. Nahum with book summary versebyverse bible commentary.

Nahum means comfort or consolation and is a short form of nehemiah comfort of yahweh. May 02, 2020 first, nahum mentions thebes no amon in egypt falling to the assyrians 663 b. He was raised up to preach gods judgment for a second time to nineveh. It is attributed to the prophet nahum, and was probably written in.

It is attributed to the prophet nahum, and was probably written in jerusalem in the 7th century bc. The book of the vision of nahum the elkoshite nahum 1. Nahum can be identified as prophecy based on nahum 1. The facts that the kingdom of the 10 tribes in which galilee lies was already in assyrian captivity at nahums time and that nahum directly speaks to the kingdom of judah chap. Nahum declared that nineveh would fall as did thebes, which the assyrians themselves had conquered in 663. The title identifies the book as an oracle concerning nineveh and attributes it to the vision of nahum of elkosh.

The book contains the vision of nahum, whose name means comfort and is related to the name nehemiah, meaning the lord comforts or comfort of the lord. Intro to nahum biblica the international bible society. The book of nahum introduction to the book of nahum in the bible. It is one of the most thorough commentaries written in recent times, representing the highest standards in the tradition of evangelical bible commentaries. This prophecy is a consolation the meaning of nahum s name for judah to know god remembers his people and punishes his enemies. Summary of the book of nahum the story of the bible. In this sermon series, we come to chapter 3, where it can be seen that we should all be truly concerned and be drawn to surrender our hearts, lives and nations to the lord. Nothing is known about him except his hometown elkosh, and even its general location is uncertain. Nahum 1, new international version niv the bible app. Book of nahum simple english wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Feb 21, 2012 the book of nahum is prophecy concerning the city of nineveh and reveals a powerful message about gods care for his elect. Some scientists think to find the acrostic style in chap. Nahum united states conference of catholic bishops. Nahum also predicted a time of peace beyond this troubled world.

Such was the case for the assyrian city of nineveh. The hebrew name nahum means comfort or consolation. Nineveh, and the assyrian empire, was at its height of power. In the prophets, a burden is a heavy message of weighty importance, heavy in the sense that it produces sorrow or grief. Introduction as i come to each new book and chapter of the bible, some folk kid me that i always say it is the greatest book or chapter. During this time, nineveh had repented of its repentance, and had begun to do the same things again that called forth the threat of judgment through the prophet jonah. The books author is nahum, whose name means comfort. The prophecys identification of the assyrian ashurbanipal destruction of the egyptian city of thebes noamon, in upper egypt on the nile nahum 3. This volume demonstrates the intricate literary structure and high poetic quality of the book of nahum and represents a significant breakthrough in the study of hebrew prosody with important implications for understanding the formation of the canon of the hebrew bible. C, merely before their downfall at the hands of the babylonians and almost 150. Book of nahum overview insight for living ministries. The book of nahum is a stark reminder that those who plot against the lord, will be brought to complete destruction.

The book therefore was written between 663 and 612in turbulent. He wrote about the end of the assyrian empire, and its capital city, nineveh, in a vivid poetic style. Exact or approximate indications of time are totally missing in nahums book. The lord takes revenge against his foes and is furious with his adversaries. Nahum opened his prophecy by announcing that the lord is a jealous god, who takes vengeance on his enemies and is fierce in his anger. He was a hebrew and may have written from jerusalem a short time before the downfall of assyria. The prophet nahum was sent to minister to the southern kingdom of judah at the time of the invasion of. The central theme of the book of nahum is the overthrow of the greatest capital city of the ancient gentile world in the 7 th century bc. The recording is dramatized, from the king james bible. Look no further because you will find whatever you are looking for in here. The book of nahum is a collection of poems announcing the downfall of assyria, one of israels worst oppressors. While scholars have proposed a number of theories about nahums hometown, elkosh, the best option identifies it with a city in southern judah that later came to be known as elcesi, near where the prophet micah lived. The book of nahum comes some one hundred years after the prophecy of jonah. The book of nahum is the seventh book of the 12 minor prophets of the hebrew bible.

Nahum forms a sequel to the book of jonah, who prophesied over a century earlier. The short book of nahum is largely a poem, a literary masterpiece, predicting the downfall of nineveh, the capital of assyria. Nahum did not write this book as a warning or call to repentance for the people of nineveh. The book s author is nahum, whose name means comfort. The lords anger against nineveh the lord is a jealous and avenging god. His name means comforter, and he was from the town of elkosh or alqosh nahum 1. Second, the remainder of nahums prophecies came true in 612 b. Canonicity of nahum has never been seriously challenged 2. This searching analysis of the book of nahum is the result of ten years of diligent research by an accomplished hebrew scholar. As most of the prophetical books the book of nahum is written in poetry in the hebrew as well. Nineveh, according to this book, which god in nahum 3. Referencing daniel, exodus, isaiah and babylon, nahum shows us that the destruction of nineveh and assyria are examples of how god works in history in every age. Watch our overview video on the book of nahum, which breaks down the literary design of the book and its flow of thought.

Timeline of nahum nahum is an early contemporary of habakkuk, zephaniah, and jeremiah. The only mention in scripture of nahum the elkoshite occurs in the first verse of his own book. Nahum introduction united states conference of catholic bishops. Book of nahum read, study bible verses online bible study tools. Book of nahum was written for the decline of assyria sometime between 660620 b. The city repented at the preaching of jonah, but now nahum spells out her doom because she regressed back into sin. This is the holy book of nahum, known simply as nahum. This is, in my opinion, the best and most beautiful recording of.

This is, in my opinion, the best and most beautiful recording of the king james. May 14, 2016 watch our overview video on the book of nahum, which breaks down the literary design of the book and its flow of thought. In this sermon series, we come to chapter 3, where it can be seen that we should all be truly concerned and be drawn. The leaders and people of nations everywhere should read the words found in the little book of nahum. The books title is taken from the prophetofgods oracle against nineveh, the capital of assyria. This prophecy is a consolation the meaning of nahums name for judah to know god remembers his. The lord is slow to anger, and great in power, and will not at all acquit the wicked.

Since you are already here then chances are that you are looking for the daily themed crossword solutions. The book of nahum is a book in the bibles old testament and jewish tanakh we dont know much about who nahum was. Nahum is not quoted in the new testament, although there may be an allusion to nahum 1. Josephus places nahum during the reign of jotham, while others place him in the beginning of the reign of ahaz, judahs next king, or even the latter half of the. This was made to assess how well you know the book. In this book, nahum portrays the downfall of nineveh and assyria as an. The lords willingness to send nahum, whose name means comfort, into such a hopeless situation evidences his unrelenting and overwhelming grace. One such theory is that it refers to the city later called capernaum which literally means the village of nahum at the sea of galilee. The book of nahum reveals that god will punish all evil. There are many theories as to where that city was though there is no conclusive evidence.

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